What is a Notary Public and Do You Need One?

When researching how to get your documents prepared for overseas use, you will come across many words and phrases that are often used to describe services offered. These are often interchangeable, occasionally misused and sometimes confusing. You will read about apostilles, legalisation, certification, attestation and also notarisation.

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Apostille Degree Certificate

Legalising a degree certificate for use in another country can be time consuming and expensive. Before your degree certificate, diploma, or other academic qualification, will be accepted you will most likely need to obtain an apostille.

Proving you have the relevant qualification for a job overseas is often a prerequisite before your employment will be confirmed. Your employer overseas will ask you to obtain an apostille on the document.

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Avoid Double Taxation with an Apostille

Different countries have different tax laws relating to personal and business income.  If you have earnings in one country but are resident or a citizen in another it may be requested that you have tax residency documents legalised to avoid double taxation.

A certificate of residency for tax purpose is a formal document. Residency certificates are issued by HMRC and were introduced when the UK government established agreements with other countries to avoid people being taxed twice on their earnings.

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How to Obtain a Certificate of No Impediment

When planning to get married overseas it is common that the authorities in that country will request a Certificate of No Impediment. This document is a way of proving that there is no Impediment/Obstruction in allowing you to be married and shows that there has been no objection to your proposed marriage.

The Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) is now regularly requested of UK citizens that intend to marry abroad. Similar documents are used in other countries but within the UK the CNI is an official government issued document.

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